Finding Our Power

Finding Our Power Together (Hyperlink to FOPT Facebook page included) is a collaborative partnership between young people in remote First Nation communities and Indigenous and non-Indigenous members in southern Ontario.
FOPT is running a program called Building our Bundle. The program seeks to build social connections and relationships across Turtle Island. Building our Bundle officially starts July 20th with the first video posted to introduce activities. See below for Image Descriptions and contact FOPT if interested in facilitating this program in your community.
Image Description:
Title is Finding Our Power Together. Subtitle is Building Our Bundle Program. Text reads Join us for a 6-session online program to learn mental health skills, cultural teachings, and self-reflection practices. Weekly and monthly prize draws! Drop in anytime! Eligibility must be between 14 and 29; Must have access to a wifi-enabled device; Must have parent/organizational consent if under 18; Must agree to appropriate online conduct. Contact FOPT if you are interested in facilitating in your community!
How it Works
Image Description: Title is Building Our Bundle. Subtitle is How it Works. Text reads Follow Finding Our Power Together on Instagram or Facebook; Watch for weekly prompts every Monday; Participate on your own time; Submit weekly photo challenges by tagging us every Friday to enter into our weekly prize draw; Track your progress: Complete all 6 photo challenges for a chance to win a Samsung tablet! Contact us for more details or to access the participation guide.
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